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Uploaded 2024-03-28

Uploaded 2024-03-28
Baltimore, MD
March 26, 2024
Note the precise astronomical angles associated with the loss of control - electrical - of the container ship Dali which rammed the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, MD. The overall astronomical configuration set up a geomagnetic anomaly which affected the ship's electrical system.

March 10, 2019
Note the Symmetric Astronomical Triple K connected with this tragic event. The symmetric pattern caused a localized Electromagnetic Disturbance (EMD) which affected the jet's anti-stall software.
Please check out the diagram of the Malaysia steep climb incident of 2005 near the bottom of this page.

Uploaded 2019-06-28 UTC
Lion Air Crash
October 28, 2018
Please note the four symmetric
pairs of axes associated with this tragic event. There are actually 9 objects on
the 8 axes. The symmetry is centered on the Spica and Alhena axes. Regulus
roughly splits the Spica-Alhena angle, so much of the symmetry is actually
centered on the single Regulus axis. The Earth's magnetic flux lines are
parallel to the ground at the equator. The symmetries concentrate the magnetic
field in certain areas and this Electromagnetic Disturbance (EMD) affects
certain parts of the airplane - transducers, microprocessors and small-gauge
electrical wiring.

Southwest Airlines
August 27, 2016
Please note that there were multiple astronomical objects associated with this symmetry. In fact, there were actually TEN objects lined up along 4 symmetric axes.
The basic tetrad was composed of Aldebaran, Moon, Jupiter and Spica. Mars, Saturn and Antares were opposite Aldebaran. Uranus was opposite Spica. And both Mercury and Venus were in line with Jupiter.
This was an Aldebaran-Spica tetrad - a pattern commonly linked to weather and electromagnetic events.
The composition of jet engines includes the elements titanium, aluminum and nickel. Nickel is ferromagnetic and aluminum and titanium are paramagnetic. Aluminum and magnets do not normally interact. But when there is motion between the two, there is interaction, with an electromagnetic field developing within the aluminum according to the Lenz
(Lenz with a Z) principle.
Apparently, this astronomical pattern set up an intense concentration of the geomagnetic field along the flightpath of the Southwest jet. At that point, the nickel, already ferromagnetic, acted as a magnet. The aluminum, already moving at tremendous speed as a constituent of the fan blades, then interacted with the adjacent nickel which set up an extreme attraction or repulsion, resulting in an imbalance which exploded the engine.
December 28, 2014
text uploaded jan 23, 2015
This tragic loss is associated with multiple
astronomical symmetries. Symmetries involving the
Aldebaran-Spica (star-star) pair are commonly
associated with electromagnetic disturbances, weather
events and aviation accidents. There were 4 different
Aldebaran-Spica symmetries associated with this
The electromagnetic disturbance resulting from these
combined symmetries triggered the storm this jet was
attempting to avoid. In addition, it probably affected the
the control systems of the Airbus, causing it to climb
far too fast, resulting in a stall.

July 2013 Events Associated
with Planet-Star Symmetry
Saturn and Uranus are forming a precise symmetry with a star named Pollux within the Ecliptic Plane. The angles vary, but the symmetry is tight from January to September 2013.
July 2013 events include: Popocateptl Eruption, Quebec Oil Train Fire, Category 1 Hurricane Erick, Asiana Airlines Crash San Francisco, 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake Papua New Guinea, DHC-3 Plane Crash Alaska, Whale Attack Sydney, SuperTyphoon4 Soulik,
Ethiopian Airlines 787 fire, Duststorm Arizona, Large Waves Lake Michigan, Storms in France, Forest Fires in Spain and Flooding in Oklahoma City, Northern Arizona and Western Japan.
The cause of the Asiana Crash was probably a combination of fatigue after a 10-hour flight plus a localized geomagnetic disturbance which affected the concentration of the pilots involved.
Please see the seizures page for more information.

multiple events
april 28 to may 5, 2013
a double k astronomical pattern was associated with the following events:
april 28
gas explosion - france
tungurahua eruption - ecuador
april 29
gas explosion - czech republic
747 crash - afghanistan
may 3
kc135 midair explosion - kyrgyzstan
tornado - italy
may 5
limousine fire - california
please note that the sun-mars angle was only about 2-3 degrees during this period.
the unifying concept for these events was electromagnetic disturbances (emds). please scroll to the bottom of this page to see the model for magnetic field disturbances.
for the natural gas explosions, the air tanker explosion and the limousine fire, the emd could have set up a bottleneck (concentration) of electrons leading to wire overheating and spark generation.
for the volcano, the emd would have set up agitation of water molecules embedded in the crystalline rock, since water is susceptible to magnetic fields.
for the tornado, the emd would have set ambient water molecules in a spiral motion according to the model shown at the bottom of the page.
finally, for the afghanistan 747 crash, the emd was certainly responsible for the thunderstorm approaching the area at the time of the accident. this could have resulted in wind shear or downburst. in addition, according to the model outlined at the bottom of the page, the ambient charged particles affected by the emd could have been electrons in the electrical wiring of the plane or in the computer hardware, thus causing a malfunction.

power outage - n india
july 30, 2012
note the tetrad composed of the following axes: moon-galactic center, saturn-spica, jupiter-aldebaran and uranus. another outage occurred on july 31- with the same tetrad in place- with the exception that the moon had moved about 17 degrees further in the sky.
the tetrad set up an emd- electromagnetic disturbance- intensified by the simultaneous alignments.

p-51 crash reno, nevada
september 18, 1970
please note that the p-51 aircraft discussed below for the 2011 accident at the reno airshow also had an accident at the same airshow on september 18, 1970. the ntsb report for the earlier accident states the plane had a complete engine failure.
the sun and mercury were each at the same point in the sky within 2.4 degrees. ***the location of the moon for the 1970 accident was exactly at the same point in the sky as shown below for the 2011 accident!***
this astronomical similarity allows for the real possibility of an electromagnetic disturbance affecting the same plane as described below. the aircraft had several different engines over a period of time.

p-51 crash reno, nevada
september 16, 2011
note the triple k pattern associated with this tragic p-51 mustang crash at the reno airshow.
this k symmetry was augmented by a venus, uranus, antares, mars-pollux subpattern. venus was physically opposite uranus and the v-e-u line split the angle between antares and pollux. please see the july 28, 2010 and june 19, 2010 diagrams below for more examples of bodies which split the antares-pollux angle.
it is proposed that all the symmetries combined to produce an intense electromagnetic disturbance which would have affected either the pilot or the engine.
there were other events associated with this triple k pattern:
power outage in sw us 9/8/11
scuba tank explosion- florida 9/11/11
kenya pipeline explosion 9/12/11
furnace explosion- s france 9/12/11
cruise ship engine room
explosion- norway 9/15/11
earthquake 7.3 m-fiji region 9/15/11
other astronomical configurations have been associated with explosions or australia power outages.

southwest us power outage
september 8, 2011
note the triple k pattern active on this day - only two days from the september 10th prediction date!

india rocket malfunction
december 25, 2010
this rocket malfunctioned and then was intentionally exploded. it is included on the power outage page because it is a probable emd - electromagnetic disturbance.
intrasite links
vehicular sudden
unintended acceleration
astrosymm main page espagnol
tropical storms tornadoes solar system
ecliptic/volcanoes shuttle
climate/el nino/la nina nuclear
ozone explosions
power outage/aviation accidents
earthquakes/clear air turbulence
predictions 2011 <<<mayan>>>
attribution/contact storms

russia aircraft crash
december 4, 2010
this aircraft lost power to all three engines before an emergency landing in moscow. it then skidded off the runway, breaking into three pieces.

aircraft crashes linked to
star-planet symmetry
airbus a321 pakistan
c-17 alaska
fairchild c-123 alaska
three large aircraft crashed in a four-day period globally from july 28 to august 1, 2010. please check the predictions page since this scenario was anticipated.
the predictive peak period for july 28, 2010 - 0700 utc was only 3 hours and 10 minutes from the actual pakistan accident - 0350 utc.
the airbus a321 crashed near islamabad first. 22 hours later a c-17 crashed just after take-off at elmendorf afb near anchorage, alaska. finally, a fairchild c-123 crashed at denali national park in alaska.
as this period proceeded, mars came closer into line with the u-j-e-s line-up which split the antares-pollux angle. the common thread for all the accidents is most likely an intense electromagnetic disturbance which overwhelmed one of the systems of the aircraft.
here's a list of other events during this period which
probably had the same cause:
- explosion china 7-28-10 chemical pipeline
- explosion la, ca 7-30-10 natural gas
- fire cape cod, ma 7-30-10 yacht engine room
- power spike 7-31-10 int'l space station
- crash sw bc canada 7-31-10 waterbomber
- tornado s australia 7-31-10
- explosion shanxi 7-31-10 coal mine explosives
- fire s africa 8-01-10 care home
- crash siberia 8-02-10 antonov-24
- explosion henan 8-02-10 coal mine

sundance twin-engine turboprop
explosion & crash june 19, 2010
cameroon to congo flight
exact hour predicted for
electromagnetic disturbance
location not predicted
the exact hour was predicted for an electromagnetic disturbance (emd)- june 19, 2010 at 0900 utc. this was based on the u-j-e-mn-s line-up and symmetry with antares-pollux as shown on the diagram.
other symmetries combined to produce a powerful
emd which caused the explosion leading to the crash.
the following report details eyewitness accounts of explosion before crash -
please note the - storm reports site shows 340 wind reports for june 18-19 24 hour period.
june 19, 2010 at 1055 utc shows straight-line wind reports 0f 80 mph resulting in at least 60 downed power poles near funk, nebraska. to access this report go to
the june 18, 2010 page which will contain the utc reports for latter june 18 & early june 19 utc.

caspian airlines flight 7908
iran jet crash july 15, 2009
a russian-made tupolev tu-154m crashed in iran after catching fire. there were 168 fatalities.
the accident happened at 0603 utc on wednesday, july 15, 2009. a peak hour prediction for an electromagnetic disturbance (emd) was made for 0915 utc.

airfrance flight 447
june 1, 2009
automatic communications from this airbus 330 showed
electronic problems on the aircraft beginning 0214 utc on
june 1. this correlates exactly with a moon opposite jupiter/
neptune symmetry which includes the antares-aldebaran backbone shown on the homepage.

buffalo, new york turboprop crash
february 12, 2009
to participate in airline crash study click here
this is just one of three subpatterns occurring simultaneouly at the time of the dash-8 turboprop crash.
interpretation of patterns will follow after results of survey have been tabulated.

super puma helicopter crash
north sea 125 miles from aberdeen, scotland
february 18, 2009
note the similarity between this accident and the b-2 bomber crash just about this time in 2008.
also, compare to the venezuela power outage and note that in both cases - north sea & venezuela - venus and jupiter are symmetrically opposed.
be sure to view the geomagnetic field disturbance model below for details on how the magnetic field can set up a flow of electrons.
an electron flow - electricity - can be set up without the flash and bang of a lightning strike.
here's a description of the story with a very good ending -

super puma helicopter crash
north sea - lightning strike
january 19, 1995
lightning hit the carbon composite tail rotor blade of this helicopter during stormy conditions in the north sea - 20-foot waves and 35 mph winds.
note the saturn- sun/u/n- aldebaran- spica tetrad. an aldebaran-spica triad or tetrad is often associated with storms.
be sure to view the geomagnetic field disturbance model below for details on how the magnetic field can set up a flow of electrons.
here's an account of the accident by the air accidents investigation branch:

transformer explosion
melbourne, australia
january 30, 2009
about 500,000 homes and businesses lost power with this significant outage. a transformer in south morang exploded and two transmission lines were lost.
note the approximate 120-degree angles formed from regulus, achernar & deneb and also aldebaran & the sun-jupiter pair. the sun-jupiter pair also forms approximate 63-degree angles with antares, achernar and deneb.
another subpattern is composed of sun-j, n, aldebaran & spica. please see tornadoes for more aldebaran-
spica symmetries.
please see geomagnetic field disturbance model below to see how a disturbed magnetic field could affect a power station.
a description of the transformer explosion is found in this article in the australian.
for more events showing symmetry in the 120-degree range, see sichuan earthquake of 2008, kuwae eruption 1452-53 and great bend, kansas 1915 tornado.

qantas airbus a330
autopilot disconnect/malfunction
october 7, 2008
about 70 passengers were injured in this dramatic pitch-down event. initially, there was a steep uncommanded climb of 300 feet followed by a rapid altitude loss of 650 feet. cruising
altitude was regained and another loss of 400 feet occurred.
here are two media releases from atsb:
8 october 2008 -
14 november 2008 -
simultaneous symmetries include the two tetrads shown:
1) uranus, aldebaran, antares & regulus and 2) aldebaran, uranus, moon/jupiter & spica.
these symmetries induce an electromagnetic disturbance (emd) as shown below in the diagram "model for magnetic field disturbance." <<<the electron flow from this emd is what affected the autopilot unit (adiru).>>>
another qantas airbus a330 autopilot disconnect occurred
on december 27, 2008 - this time with no injuries.
compared to the previous event, mercury and moon switched alignments with the sun and jupiter. here is the media release:
2 january 2009

737 jet crash
bishkek, kyrgyzstan
august 24, 2008
two 737 jets in 3 weeks experienced engine failure and then crashed. the first was in bishkek, kyrgyzstan and the second in perm, russia. please see geomagnetic field
disturbance model below to see how an electromagnetic
disturbance could set up a powerful electron flow and cause a malfunction in the electronics of the engine.
the following cbs news article describes the sequence of engine failure and then crash -
the k pattern is composed of antares, moon/aldebaran, spica and pollux. the sideways v is composed of mercury/venus and sun/regulus. it is split by saturn.
the second accident, on september 14, 2008, has a very similiar pattern - with the sun replacing mercury and venus to complete the v pattern. here is a bbc news description of the sequence of engine failure leading to the crash -

venezuela power outage
april 29, 2008
note the mirror-image symmetry involved with this event.
with antares-earth-aldebaran as the mirror-image axis then jupiter is opposite spica, uranus is opposite saturn/regulus, venus is opposite mars/pollux and the sun is symmetrically opposite alhena! the symmetry affects the geomagnetic field and causes an anomaly - in this case in venezuela.

b-2 accident - guam
february 23, 2008
ecliptic bird's eye view
note that all these ecliptic symmetries are in the range 80 - 86 and 95 - 100 degrees. and each angular separation matches another angle within about 2-3 degrees within each range. please compare this event with the ecliptic pattern active with the sugar dust explosion in georgia. the similarity with the sugar dust explosion pattern points toward an electromagnetic (em) factor in the b-2 loss.
another possibility is gravitational shear which could have tipped the nose down immediately after take-off. a shear event in the early 1990's broke part of the wing and one engine off a noaa aircraft on an observational flight. so gravitational shear can work over a very short distance. nevertheless, the possibility of em disturbance is favored in this case, since there have been so many em disturbances including other aircraft accidents in the recent past.

b-2 accident - guam
february 23, 2008
ecliptic tilt view
note the constant 120 degree angles of regulus, achernar and deneb - three stellar powerhouses. saturn emulates the 120 degree angles with approximate 120 degree angles with achernar and deneb.
both the sun and uranus split the achernar and deneb 120 degree angle with 60 degree angles - either exact or approximate. note the precise sun-deneb and sun-achernar angles of 59.9 and 60.0 degrees respectively for this event.

b-2 accident - guam
february 23, 2008
symmetric subpattern with extended lines
extended lines are shown because this is what the core of the earth actually experiences. the gravitational energy from the astronomical bodies permeates the core at symmetric angles and then keeps on going.

777 accident - heathrow airport
british airways flight 38
january 17, 2008
uk aircraft accident- please compare to three-mile diagram. to view prediction matrix see predictions 2008.

777 accident - heathrow airport
sun-saturn-star subpattern
this significant ecliptic subpattern was simultaneous with the saturn-star 3-d subpattern shown above, allowing for the prediction of a power outage due to magnetic field flux on january 17, 2008 plus or minus 2 days.

777 steep climb incident
malaysia airlines
august 1, 2005
note the exquisite symmetry present on the day of this unusual event. the jet climbed from 37k ft up to 41k ft before the pilots could fix the problem. an accelerometer was falsely showing movement in all three planes. this is considered a geoelectromagnetic disturbance.

1977 power outage - new york city
a momentous power outage affected new york on july 14, 1977. an astronomical sextet or group of six was in place when it happened - uranus, spica, regulus, saturn, the pair of moon/jupiter and the venus/aldebaran pair. in this case, the earth's magnetic field was temporarily disturbed and loss of power was the result.

geomagnetic field disturbance model
<<<charged particles spiral around disturbed flux lines>>>
experimental fact - a straight magnetic flux line can be manipulated into a u-shape in the lab. when that happens, ambient charged particles spiral around the u-shape.
the earth's magnetic flux lines normally are parallel to the crust.
in this model, the disturbed flux lines move at angles up to 90 degrees to or from the earth's surface.
when they do, ambient charged particles - electrons or protons or water molecules- follow the peaks or valleys formed in the field.
the result is electricity, static electricity or lightning if the charged particles are electrons.
if the particles are protons or larger plus particles or water, the result can be a tornado, volcano, tropical storm or extratropical storm.
<<<the water molecule has magnetic properties. it is called a "partial polar" molecule and is affected by magnetic fields.
when an intense magnetic field occurs at a certain point on the
earth, areas with high humidity will exhibit a spiral shape due to the response of water molecules to the intense magnetic field. this is the cause of storms and tornadoes.>>>
if an aircraft flies through a mildly disturbed magnetic field the result could simply be static on the radio. with an extreme disturbance the result could be loss of critical control systems.
in "electricity, magnetism & light" p 441, third edition, academic press 2002, wayne m saslow diagrams the spiral motion of electrons around a uniform magnetic field referred to as "b".