sudden acceleration
december 2008
the christian science monitor states that one carmaker had 379 nhtsa complaints re: sudden acceleration for december 2008. note the 80/100 degree symmetric subpattern including saturn, uranus and regulus. also note the jupiter location symmetric with the stellar k pattern. these two subpatterns persisted for the month and were also associated with two military jet crashes and an unintended autopilot disconnect on a qantas jet.

diagram shows astrosymmetry associated with simultaneous
electric field flux and tornadoes in twin cities area
1959 freier article links electric
field disturbance under clear
skies to timing of tornadoes
within 70 miles
the earth's electric field was being monitored in the twin cities on june 4, 1958 - the day tornadoes blew through the area. george freier of the university of minnesota (1) had set up a "field mill" apparatus with recorder. it showed a significant peak within 30 minutes
of one nearby tornado and a strong spike at exactly the time of several tornadoes just an hour later.
he described the conditions as "local fair weather; i.e., nowhere within the visible horizon was there an indication of a storm."
another article by wd crozier shows a clear electric field flux in the area of a new mexico dust devil (2).
freier observed that a geoelectric flux separate from the immediate vicinity of a tornadic storm is possible.
<<<an electromagnetic disturbance in clear weather is therefore a very probable cause of malfunction of a sensitive electronic instrument such as a car's computer or accelerator/transducer system found in some cars.>>>
1) george d freier, university of minnesota- the earth's electric field during a tornado- journal of meteorology, shorter contributions p333-4 june 1959
allenpress, american meteorological society
2) wd crozier, nm imt, socorro- the electric field of a new mexico dust devil- journal of geophysical research v69, no 24 p 5427-9 dec 15, 1964
sudden auto acceleration
induced by electromagnetic
disturbances (emd) caused by
astronomical patterns

emds can generate electrical
current in midair
numerous reports of sudden unintended vehicular acceleration have surfaced in the media recently.
due to microcircuitry and the small diameter of wiring used, the computer and transducer systems of various car models are sensitive to fluctuations in the earth's electromagnetic field.
for a discussion of electromagnetic interference and effects on auto systems, please access the following article by usa today:
a thorough discussion of <<<how an electromagnetic disturbance (emd) can generate electron flow or electrical current in midair>>> is found at the bottom of the power outage page:
numerous examples of astronomical patterns which can generate emds are demonstrated on both the power outage and the explosions/seizures pages
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