Uploaded 2023-07-21
Washington Crossing, PA
July 15, 2023
Note that the Sun is at a once-annual position in which it is precisely in line with Pollux. Saturn is at a once in 30 year position where it can set up a symmetric position with Pollux and therefore the Sun also. Mars, Regulus and Venus each set up angles at 104.5 +/- 3 degrees with rapid-rotator stars (not shown) in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere. These angular separations are very close to the bond angle of water at 104.5 degress. In addition, the Moon-Achernar (not shown) angle is 102.2 degrees. Achernar is a rapid-rotator star in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere. The combination of the these symmetries and the near-104.5 degree angular separations triggered this record flood.

Uploaded 2024-01-19
Jan 16, 2024
Winter Storm Predicted for Jan 16, 2024
Meridional (North/South) Jet Stream Flow has been correlated with Symmetric Astronomical Patterns. In this case, the Jet Stream/Cold Front extended to the N Gulf Coast of Mexico. This is an uncommon occurence.

Transmission Lines Down S US, Uploaded 2024-05-18

Transmission Lines Down S US, Uploaded 2024-05-18

Uploaded 2024-05-18
May 16-17, 2024
Major Events, Turbulence High Risk
Predicted for May 17 - June 10, 2024

Uploaded Aug 7, 2021
July 20, 2021
Eight inches of rain in one hour is a rare event. This is a symmetric subpattern which contributed to this extreme event. Essentially, the Sun and Moon temporarily were in close alignment with the pre-existing stellar ecliptic K pattern which is composed of Antares, Aldebaran, Spica and Pollux. During the one hour precipitation event, the Moon-Pollux angle varied from 133.3 to 133.9 degrees which is a close match with the long-term Aldebaran-Spica angle of 133.5.
In addition, there were 9 angles within the ecliptic plane at 104.5 +/- 3 degrees. This would have agitated the water molecules in the sky causing the precipitation since the bond angle for water is 104.5 degrees.
There were multiple astronomical subpatterns for this event.

Uploaded May 29, 2021
February 10, 2021
Please compare the diagrams for Feb 10 & Feb 14 for US Record Cold. In the first case the Sun along with Moon-Venus-Jupiter complete an Aldebaran-Spica tetrad of Axes. In the second case it's the Sun and Saturn along with Venus which complete a pentad of Axes which includes Aldebaran and Spica.
Symmetry with Aldebaran & Spica tends to trigger storms, tornadoes and meridional jet stream flow. In terms of boolean logic this symmetry is sufficient but not necessary to trigger these events.

Uploaded May 16, 2021
February 14, 2021
Please compare the diagrams for the Feb 2021 cold spell and the Ash Wednesday storm of 1962. The patterns are almost identical except that Venus during the Feb 2021 cold spell splits the Aldebaran-Spica angular separation.
Aldebaran-Spica symmetric patterns are commonly found with storms, tornadoes and meridional (North-South) jet stream flow.

ash wednesday storm
march 6-8, 1962
this was a tremendous event which set up flooding and large-scale movement of sand.
the significant subpattern shown is a tetrad or group of four axes. with earth at the center, the axes are aldebaran, mars-jupiter, saturn and spica. jupiter and saturn form a very close geometric or symmetric pattern with aldebaran and spica. and an aldebaran-spica triad or tetrad is often associated with a storm or electromagnetic disturbance. the mars-jupiter alignment perfects the symmetry, creating 2 pairs of perfectly matching angles!
with jupiter as a gravitational generator, mars acts as a diffractor and concentrates some wave energy from jupiter toward earth.
this link reveals the severity of this historic storm:
the star-ledger - http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2012/03/50_years_later_nj_remembers_wh.html

Reindeer Loss
August 26, 2016
Please note that there were 10 astronomical objects on 4 symmetric axes for this unusual event. The four axes were Moon-Aldebaran, Sun-Regulus, Mercury-
Venus-Jupiter and Mars-Saturn-Antares. 323 reindeer were killed by lightning from intense storms that rolled through Norway on that Friday afternoon.
Allowing for the motion of the Sun & Moon, other events associated with this overall configuration included:
8/24 - 42 Indiana/Ohio tornadoes and 6.2 Magnitude Italy Earthquake
8/26 - Norway Mass Reindeer Loss due to Lightning
8/27 - Failure of a Southwest Airlines engine
8/28 - Lionrock Supertyphoon 4 and 7" Flash Flood Freeport, TX
9/1-2 - Hermine SE US Category 1
9/3 - Pawnee, OK 5.8 Magnitude Earthquake

Please note the similiar symmetric astronomical patterns for both the 1927 and the 2016 Louisiana Floods. In both cases, the angular separations for the main subpatterns were close to the longstanding 104.4 degree angle of Spica & Alhena.

west coast storm, dec 3, 2012
noaa does not endorse private websites

w coast storm, japan tunnel collapse,
cambodia dam collapse, russia snowstorm
december 1, 2012
supertyphoon bopha
december 3, 2012
note that eight bodies are on four axes - the same basic symmetry that has persisted in fall of 2012 - associated with extreme events such as hurricane sandy on earth and plasma emission on the sun.

southern us flood - july 2007 copyright 2007 matt maddox all rights reserved

perfect storm
in 1991 a storm with 100-foot waves hit the atlantic. an east coast meteorologist called it “the perfect storm.” it was actually a combination of three different weather systems. note the amazing venus-jupiter-star symmetry!

spain-france storm
114 mph - 1.2 million homes without power
january 24, 2009
us ice storm south plains & midwest
january 26-27, 2009
a roof collapse in spain, 114 mph winds and massive power loss were all attributes of this powerful hurricane-like
category-2 equivalent storm.
two very tight simultaneous alignments were active during this storm - <<sun-jupiter at 0.5 degrees>> and uranus-venus-earth-saturn with the venus-uranus angular separation at 1.9 degrees!
numerous simultaneous symmetries are also correlated with this disturbance. triads or tetrads involving aldebaran and spica are often associated with storms, so the sun/jupiter-
spica-saturn-aldebaran tetrad is portrayed.
please see super tuesday tornadoes for a good example of a triad involving aldebaran and spica.
see geomagnetic field disturbance model for a description of how the earth's magnetic field can be disturbed and cause powerful geophysical events.
for a description of the power of this storm, please see the january 25, 2009 bbc article.
the us ice storm of the south plains and midwest starting january 26, 2009 would have the same approximate numbers for the beginning of the storm.
an evansville, kentucky courierpress article describes the developing storm on january 27, 2009.

great britain
november 26, 1703 storm compared to
january 31, 1953 storm/flood
on the night of november 26-27, 1703, a tremendous storm hit the english channel. historical records abound which document the ferocity of this intense extratropical event.
on january 31, 1953, another storm hit the area - resulting in historic floods in belgium and holland. these storms were 249 years apart - double the 124.5 year cycle described for volcanoes and climate. at exactly 249.178 years the following are the number of cycles for the large planets: jupiter - 21.006, saturn - 8.459, uranus - 2.966 and neptune - 1.512.
jupiter and uranus are at near-repeat points and show the same tilt orientation toward earth for both storms. saturn and neptune both "flip" in the sky with each planet individually showing approximately 180 degree change in orientation. so saturn and neptune each individually show reverse tilt orientation.
planet-star symmetries accentuate the effect of the large-planet tilts and the result is a repeat event with large planets lined up on near-repeat axes!
intrasite links
astrosymm main page espagnol
tropical storms tornadoes solar system
ecliptic/volcanoes shuttle
climate/el nino/la nina nuclear
ozone explosions
power outage/aviation accidents
earthquakes/clear air turbulence
predictions 2008 <<<mayan>>>
attribution/contact storms

great britain storm
note the position of jupiter in this momentous uk storm.

france storm
tempete de france
december 26, 1999
please note that jupiter has completed one full orbital cycle and is almost exactly at the same point in the sky as during the 1987 british storm!

chicago storm- august 23, 2007
ecliptic tilt view
with 3-d symmetry shown outside ecliptic plane
the earth sets up axes with three powerful units about 120 degrees apart in this 3-dimensional presentation: 1) achernar - an energetic star 2) deneb - another energy producer and 3) the combination of sun, saturn and regulus. regulus is another extremely powerful star relatively close to the earth. this symmetric combination is superimposed and simultaneous with the ecliptic (sun-earth plane) 80/100 degree pattern shown below.
for other three-dimensional patterns see
volcano tambora, shuttle columbia and nuclear accident tokaimura.

chicago storm - august 23, 2007
bird's eye view of ecliptic or sun-earth plane
this amazing symmetric pattern is associated with the chicago storm of august 23, 2007. astronomically symmetric patterns can have a profound effect on the earth.
the ideal of 80/100 degrees for the diagram is based on the angular separation of regulus with the backbone of antares-aldebaran. see the k pattern under ecliptic/volcanoes.
on a long-term basis regulus is 80.1 degrees from aldebaran and 99.9 degrees from antares - powerhouses within the sun-earth plane.
note the four major axes in this "peace-symbol-like" pattern: 1) uranus, 2) mars-aldebaran, 3) jupiter-antares and 4) sun-saturn-regulus!
an extratropical storm was among the predictions for the august 23, 2007 predictive window!